What is Nintendo?
Nintendo is a Japanese multinational consumer electronic goods manufacturing company that is immensely popular for its video games. The company was established back in the 18th century in the year 1889 as a playing cards manufacturing company specialized in handmade hanafuda cards by the efforts of Fusajiro Yamauchi and whose successors take the company to heights. By the year 1963, the company has entered into many segments of businesses like a TV network, a love Hotel chain, a food company and a taxi company, but all these business were failed. In the year 1974, it entered the video Game industry and had got the rights to distribute the Magnavox Odyssey video game console throughout the country. In the year 1977, it decided to produce their own video game consoles with the Color TV Game as its first product. After that the business expanded and has produced several products like handhelds, home consoles, gaming consoles etc. The company has its operations in several countries operating as subsidiaries like Nintendo of America (NOA), Nintendo Australia (NAL) and Nintendo of Europe (NOE). The company is the largest video game company in the world in terms of revenue.
Business Operations of Nintendo:
Nintendo is one of the leading producers of games, consoles and software. It operates several divisions such as Nintendo Entertainment System, Handheld Consoles, adn Software.
International Divisions of Nintendo Company Limited:
American Subsidiary: Nintendo of America
Europe: Nintendo of Europe
Australian Subsidiary: Nintendo Australia
South Korean Subsidiary: Nintendo of Korea
Headquarters of Nintendo:
Nintendo has opened its head office in
Japan at 11-1 Kamitoba-hokotate-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8501.
Contact Numbers of Nintendo:
A customer can contact Nintendo at,
+1181756629600 while its FAX number is
+1181756629620Nintendo Customer Service Number for USA:
A customer living in the USA can contact Nintendo at,
Social Networking Links of Nintendo:
To interact with its users, Nintendo maintains its accounts on various social networking s such as,
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
To join Nintendo on Facebook:www.facebook.com/nintendo
To watch Nintendo on YouTube:www.youtube.com/nintendo
To join Nintendo on Twitter:twitter.com/NintendoAmerica
To join Nintendo on Instagram:Instagram.com/nintendo
Major Weblinks of Nintendo:
To locate Nintendo in your nation:
www.nintendo.com/consumer/assets/region_select.jspCheck the new game releases of Nintendo:
Nintendo post the information on its new releases at its at this page,