What is Gsfc Baroda?
Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd (GSFC) is come out as a outstanding, multi product, environmentally friendly worldwide company by means of technical growth, advancement and customer satisfaction and therefore to lead to the welfare of society. The Organization produced the various products such as Urea, DAP, NPK, Bio-fertilizers, Gypsum, Caprolactam, Methyl Ethyl Ketoxime, Anhydrous Ammonia, Plant Tissue Culture, Seeds. The address and contact number of Gsfc Baroda is also used for Gsfc Baroda Career, Gsfc Baroda Recruitment and Gsfc Baroda Tenders.
Other Important Contact No: +91-265-2242651, +91-265-2242751
Fax No: +91-265-2240966, +91-265-2240119
E-mail Ids:
Marketing: jrshah@gsfcltd.com
HRM: nayansheth@gsfcltd.com
AD & AS: nbacharya@gsfcltd.com
Material Management: bnshah@gsfcltd.com
Investor Relations: vdnanavaty@gsfcltd.com
Public Relations: pro@gsfcltd.com
General Administration: gad@gsfcltd.com