What is Wisconsin Board of Nursing?
Wisconsin Board of Nursing is administers under the Department of Safety and Professional Services in the United states. The department provides safe and sanitary conditions for the public and private building. The main objective of the board of nursing is to promote and protect the health of the Citizens in the United States through safe and satisfy practice nursing and the healthcare. Wisconsin Board of Nursing is the organization of state government in the United States. Wisconsin Board of Nursing provides the Nurse Licensure Compact for the practicing nurses in the United States. It is also called multi state license which is applicable on practical and registered nurses.
Mailing Address of Wisconsin Board of Nursing
For any kinds of questions or other types of help, the customers can write the company officials on their mailing address. The mailing address of Wisconsin Board of Nursing is:
State of Wisconsin
Department of Safety and Professional Services
PO Box 8935
Madison, WI 53708-8935 Contact Details of Wisconsin Board of NursingContacts of Wisconsin Board of Nursing(608) 266-2112
(877) 617-1565
Email: dsps@wisconsin.gov
Customer Service Hours of Wisconsin Board of Nursing
Customers can contact the customer service representatives or visit the store on different timings. But the customer service representatives are available on fixed timings. The customer service hours through which the customers can contact or visit the stores are written below:
Office Hours of Wisconsin Board of Nursing:7:45 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Career Options offered by Wisconsin Board of Nursing
Wisconsin Board of Nursing is a place where perseverance people work as to satisfy the needs of the consumers With this goal, a wide range of career opportunities are being rendered by the Wisconsin Board of Nursing to the talented and passionate individuals in various comprehensive areas. The organization conducts various training and development programs in order to make the aspirants well specialized in their native areas. Also, Wisconsin Board of Nursing deliver classy environment so that freshers does not feel any kind of pressure. Know more about career opportunities at Wisconsin Board of Nursing, kindly visit an online official portal of the mentioned organization by staying the link that is: