What is Windows Live Hotmail Washington?
Hotmail is a free or paid email service offered by Microsoft. It is based on free web-based email service operated by Microsoft. The window live Hotmail services available in 36 languages. The company has over 360 million users in july 2011. It is a Microsoft owned company. Hotmail services Created by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith. This services launched by July 4, 1996. Hotmail was one of the first web-based email services. The current version of Hotmail released in in 2011. Hotmail services provides many features including unlimited storage, Ajax, and integration with Microsoft's instant messaging Windows Live Messenger, Hotmail Calendar, file hosting service SkyDrive, contacts platform and other services. Hotmail was the world's second largest web-based email service after Gmail in 2012. The company headquarters in Sunnyvale and developed from Mountain View, California.