What is Swepco Electric Contact?
Southwestern Electric Power Company is a sister company of the American Electric Power, a mainline investor-oriented business which works in utility services to over five million residents, business as well as the industrial customers in More Than eleven states nationwide. It provides power infrastructure services to customers who belong to the state of Arkansas, Louisiana and the Eastern Texas areas. The company has a large service area of some 25000 square miles.
With having their corporate headquarters at Shreveport province of the Louisiana, United States of America, it has multiple branches which are engaged in offering electricity, natural gas and other services and premium rates. The mission of this organization is to emerge their business in various fields like chemical, petroleum refining, primary metals, paper industries.
SWEPCO accounts 40 percent share in natural gas business, coal business and 18 percent share in the lignite business. It produces 4464 Megawatts of total electricity using discrete sources. Southwestern Gas and Electric Company came into existence in 1912 and after few years, in 1948, it started to commence their commercial functions as its present name.
Apart from that, the American Electric Power is a public service company and its business can be segmented into seven sister companies. It runs their services in within total area of 39000 miles and produces, generates and transmits 38 thousand Megawatts of electricity. For more information on
Swepco, just go-through www.swepco.com.
I have just bought a new house at 510 Mockingbird and need to arrange for service. I sold my house at 3416 Stonebrook and need to stop service immediately. Please send any bills to 7630 Ferguson Drive, Shreveport, LA 71106. I can be reached at (318)469-1873.
8/22/2019 2:20:21 PM