What is PLDT Manila?
PLDT Manila is a vast Telecommunications agency in the Pilipinas which has been established in the year of 1928, on November 28 through an action of the Philippine legislature and after then implemented though Governor General Henry L.Stimson by uses of a association of four telecommunications agencies under plan of the American telephone industry which is called Act 3436. In the year of 1930, a costly network line and radiotelephone was available at Pldt agency which connected the Philippines to other areas of the earth. Due to first world war telecommunications services was suspended and after the end the first world war the telecommunication services of Philippines was under the U.S military agencies ultimately given to PLTD In the year of 1947.
Media ventures
The PLDT had his own Beneficial Trust Fund in the year of 1998, obtained
Nation Broadcasting Corporation from the link of the yabut family and actual territory tycoon Manny Villar. After passed nine year in the year of 2007, Gv broadcasting systems sold the shares to
Media Quest. On the year 2010, on march 2nd PLDT has obtained 100% Television Networks from Media Prima.
Products of PLDT Manila
- Cellular Telephony
- Fixed-Line Telephony
- Information Technology
- Satellite Communications
- Electricity Distribution
- Broadcast Media
Social Media Networking s of PLDT Manila
Facebook Link of Media Manilahttps://www.facebook.com/careers/?ref=pf
Twitter link of Media Manilahttps://twitter.com/mlamediaplanner