What is Messin Cuci Denpoo?
messin cuci is a consumer electronics products introduced by Denpoo which is also known as washing machines. Denpoo is an Indonesia based manufacturing company that manufacturers electronics products which include Air conditioners, juicers, fans, freezers, egg blenders, hair dryers, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, water heaters and other small home appliances. Besides this, the company has also launched numerous models of washing machines which include DW-082T, DW-084, DW-089, DW-104, DW-10, DW-1002 etc. Get more details about washing machine models through the official of the company. Denpoo has one of its service centers situated on above written address. The service center also provides Fax No: +62 21 6009850. Denpoo has other branches in the cities of Indonesia like Cirebon, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Malang, Bali, Medan etc. The Corresponding services of Mesin Cuci Denpoo service center are Mesin Cuci Denpoo 1 Tabung, Mesin Cuci Denpoo 2 Tabung and Mesin Cuci Denpoo Dwf 093.
Beli msin cuci denpoo make 1bln, trus rusak, servisnya nunggu sebulan baru servis itupun perlu kesabaran karena pihak teknisi yg bkin jangkel jnji2 mulu, ini baru 2mgu rusak lagi pdhal baru mau dpake dri srvis trkhir, ini maunya gimama, cpet tobat deh saran saya.
11/25/2016 4:41:56 PM
Bli msin cuci make 2mgu trus rusak, 1bln baru dbeneri itupun tknisinya bkin jengkel coz jnji3 tok, ini baru 2mgu rusak lgi pdgal blm dpake sejak trkhir servis, ini gimana yg slh yg mna ini, .
11/25/2016 4:47:52 PM