Dear your majesty King Abdullah of Jordan,
your majesty, my name is Hassan Salah Ayesh irish citizen originally palestinian born and raised in saudi arabia. Dear majesty after my family argument last June 2016 I found my name on the blacklist in jordan. I did not do any suspicious or criminal activity for any country and i have visited jordan twice the past few years to Amman and al Aqaba, as you know i have so much love and respect to Jordan as the king as the nation and as the country. It is deeply hidden and embedded in my deep down heart. From the bottom of my heart, I truly do not want anything to stop me from entering this beloved country. Your majesty. I will begin to tell you my family members who put me on the blacklist. The first one is Mahmoud imteir who is working with the palestinian authority in Jordan and his famous nickname is waheed and Abu Eyad, the second person khaleel Hassan Ayesh who is working with the palestinian authority in the west Bank, third one is Maryam Hassan Ayesh which is married to mahmoud imteir the one i mentioned above who is a resident in Jordan. If every family argument becomes a political issue this is absolutely ridiculious. Dear majesty if I have wronged in or to Jordan I am ready to represent myself to the jordanian authority. Just ring me by phone and i will come representing myself and the jordanian authority. I would like to also apologise for my long above text, but as Jordan is in my heart. I have sufficient belief that your majesty will find a solution to this ridiculios problem before I inform and contact other european union solution. I wish if you can understand and feel my emotions and the whole issue from your perspective. Thank you very much i have submitted my email above to you and this is my following phone number:(+353)868637589//Hassan Ayesh
My whole purpose is to re-enter Jordan safely without any political problems or family problems as i see the jordan king, nation and the whole country as part of my heart. Thank u.
8/25/2016 2:38:22 PM