What is Kijiji?
The Kijiji International Limited is an intercontinental online classified platform. It usually provides pivotal system of online urban communities for publish domestic classified advertisements. The is present in approximately 300 towns in Germany and was also launched in the America on June 29, 2007. The eBay is the supporting company of Kijiji which was unveiled in the year 2005. It assists community to share idea with each other and help each other in the areas of cars, merchandises, housing, recruitments and personals. The is available in United States few selected cities.
Essential Contacting Information Kijiji
Important Contact Number for General Support / InquiriesPhone Number:
0868707844Important Contact Number for Sales Team of KijijiPhone Number:
416-917-3106 (
Rythompson Kijiji)
Phone Number:
647-402-9864 (
Juwalsh Kijiji)
Phone Number:
438-401-7487 (
Ksthilaire Kijiji)
Some of the social networking pages of Kijiji are:
Facebook Page of Kijijihttps://www.facebook.com/Kijiji.ca/info?tab=page_info
Twitter Page of Kijijihttps://twitter.com/kijiji
Tel: 086-870-7844 is invalid, also tried 1-086-870-7844 which is also invalid. Thanks. Still trying to reach you, somebody that is not a machine.
8/29/2016 6:03:51 PM
I would like to erase my messages in kijiji, but can not. Could you help me.
2/4/2019 11:10:27 AM
I am in need of some help with my ADs on kijiji. Please contact me as none of the numbers you have on line work.
8/6/2019 8:34:55 AM
I can not create an account with kijiji what I can do?.
9/12/2019 2:53:04 PM