What is K92fm Virginia?
The WXLK or 92.3 FM is a radio station that broadcasts many channels in the United States. The K92 operates Three radio stations KWSC or 91.9 FM, WWKA or 92.3 FM in other areas. The HD radio service is also introduced by K92 for the customers. It was started its broadcast service on December 31, 1979. It broadcasts many shows such as The Mornin’ Thang, Danny and Jack and many more.
Employees of K92fm Virginia
The associated employees of the K92fm Virginia who are working for the radio with effortlessly. The K92fm Virginia offers their duties on time and are passionate towards their station. The associated persons of K92fm Virginia includes as:
Danny Meyers, Zack Jackson, Monica Books, Stephie, Bob Patrick, Kevin Scott and Pepe Lapradd.
Corporate Address of K92fm Virginia
The listeners can get more information regarding the the programs and others on the below mentioned address or can call on the offered number which includes as:
3934 Electric Rd Roanoke,
VA 24018, United States
774-9236 or 800-468-9236Contact Persons for Advertisement or Sales
The listeners or the others who wants to promote their business or products can offer their advertisement through the K92fm Virginia, can contact one of the below mentioned persons of the K92fm Virginia including as:
1. Kristin Musser:Phone:
(540) 239-4690Email:
Type KRISTIN and send to 523532. Debra Fedak:Phone:
(540) 449-8897Email:
Type DEBRA and send to 523533. Stan Reynolds(Sales Manager)Phone:
(540) 774-9200Email:
Type STAN and send to 523534. Sandra Pratt(Director of Community Development)Email:
spratt@wheelerbroadcasting.comCareer Link of K92fm Virginia
The interested persons who wants to join the K92fm Virginia in order to make their career, can visit the below mentioned career link or can directly send their resumes to the recommended person of K92fm Virginia includes as:
HR Director
Mel Wheeler, Inc.
3934 Electric Road
Roanoke, Virginia 24018
cskinner@wheelerbroadcasting.com Social Media Web Links of K92fm Virginia
K92fm Virginia on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/k92radio?_rdr=p
K92fm Virginia on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/k92radio
K92fm Virginia on You Tubehttps://www.youtube.com/user/K92Radio