What is Faded Glory?
Faded Glory is a brand name of jeans, shoes, shorts, pants and women's jeggings, sold by Walmart, the second largest public corporation in the world. In the year 2013, Walmart was selected for the Fortune Global 500 list. The company was established in 1962. An American businessman Sam Walton founded the company in Rogers, Arkansas. Headquartered in Bentonville, it has presence at numerous locations worldwide. It provides electronic products, toys and video games, sports and fitness accessories, grocery and household products, furniture and many more. The company is owned and operated by Walton family, the world's richest family. It employs millions of people across the globe.
Mailing Address of Faded Glory
The users can use the below offered address of
Faded Glory in order to visit the corporation which includes as:
1411 Broadway,
Suite 22, New York 10018,
United States
+1-212-221-3001Fax No:
+1-212-221-3004Toll Free:
1-800-WALMART (1-800-925-6278)Investor Contacts of Faded Glory
The users can contact the below address for the info of the investor relations of the
Faded Glory including as:
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
702 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716 USA
479-273-4000Investor Relations Department:
479-273-6463 Computershare, Transfer Agent:
1-800-438-6278Career Link Page of Faded Glory
The users who wants to make their career within the
Faded Glory, can apply for different posts on the below offered career link page. The
Faded Glory offers a negotiable salary to their current employees. The career link page of
Faded Glory includes as:
http://careers.walmart.com/Email Contacts of Faded Glory
The users can also use the below offered email addresses of
Faded Glory in order to get the info of the retailers of
Faded Glory which includes as:
Marketplace Retailers | Phone Numbers |
AltaTac | cs@altatac.com/strong> |
BabyHaven | walmart@babyhaven.com |
Bike Wagon | support@bikewagon.com |
Best Choice Products | walmart@bestchoiceproducts.com |
Digital pavillion | customerservice@thedigitalpavilion.com |
Noble House Home Furnishing dba Nfusion | customerservice@nfusion.us |
Piercing Pros | walmarthelp@piercingpros.com |
To whom it may concern at faded glory,
I am a Walmart Shopper at least three times a week, however sometimes when shopping in my local Walmart So. California the size for faded glory are very limited, recently I have had a love and hate relationship with shopping here for my clothing, in trying to get help its been pretty challenging I called today 479-273-6463 spoke with Steve initially and of course he transferred me, why ? This is constant no matter where you call its frustrating, I hope by writing to you directly someone can help me with my request faded glory womens soft linen shorts. Size 12 or 14 colors black, demin. Will this item be available again in 2016 summer? No one can help, while shopping at walmart I hear supervisors on the walkie talkie all day its seem all the chatter is a waist of time Can't they be doing some floor work instead of walkie talkie chatter all day.
7/8/2016 1:13:25 AM