What is Fabella Hospital?
Dr Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital is a maternity hospital situated in Lope De Vega Manila, Philippines. The hospital was founded on November 9, 1920 as a six-bed capacity clinic by Chairman of Public Welfare Board, Dr Jose Fabella. It has capacity of more than 700 beds. The hospital is also called as Baby factory because average of 88 babies are Daily born in this hospital. The hospital is equipped with all state of the art facilities including advanced infrastructure and modern medical devices. The hospital provides Clinical Services, Ancillary Services and Training Services. It is one of the best performing institutions in the country. The address and contact number of Fabella Hospital is also used for Dr. Jose Fabella memorial hospital address, how to go to Fabella hospital, Dr Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital school of midwifery, manila's baby factory, Fabella Hospital birth rate, Dr. Jose Fabella Hospital , Fabella Hospital hiring and Fabella Hospital maternity package.