What is DLA Bristol?
The Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is a service that provides many Benefits to the disabled persons in the United Kingdom. It was started in 1992 under the government Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The department provides three types of Dla care components according to the eligibility of persons such as Lowest rate, Middle rate and Highest rate. The persons who received amount under DLA service is exempted from tax.
Operations Of DLA Bristol
DLA Bristol is government trading institution, dedicated to enhance conditions of disabled people by providing financial support.
DLA Bristol is operation with the precision to compose an atmospheres of allowances for the people facing hardships. However, the organization is premier and probably performing prestigious role to implement surroundings of assistance and embellish components of life.
DLA Bristol is a reputed institution designed to mobilize the standard of disabled and handicapped persons. The only eligible persons has right to claim for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) after showing their necessary documents. The department also provides many benefits for the disabled children who are below 16 age and not able to walk properly. The department has devised rules to determine the eligibility of members.
Key Contacts Of DLA Bristol
DLA Bristol has devised helpline channels to facilitate customers. The department has setup different channels for different services. In order to connect with customer support of DLA Bristol do use below mentioned contacts:
Disability Living Allowance (DLA):Telephone:
0345 605 6055 Textphone:
0345 604 5312Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pmAttendance Allowance (AA):Telephone:
0345 605 6055 Textphone:
0345 604 5312 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pmPersonal Independence Payment (PIP):Telephone:
0345 850 3322Textphone:
0345 601 6677Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm