What is Dhs Oregon?
The Department of Human Services (DHS) provides benefit in terms of finance, well being and independence to those who cannot afford to help themselves in critical situations and in normal life. They provide opportunities in order to protect, respect their choice, Empower and preserve dignity to the needy families. This department was founded in 1971 to help the communities and also serve people with disabilities. They also provide a means for collaboration between the clients and stakeholders in meaningful ways. The department believes in equity for all the Oregonians. DHS Oregon is nominated for furnishing assistance to over million people and is authentic to render a financial solution to low income families. However, the department is one of the entrusted organization that stands up on a decisive aim of boosting families or individuals to grow financially strong and help themselves to mobilize the status in the respected societies.
Services and Facilities of DHS Oregon
DHS Oregon is phenomenal in rendering financial support to families that are stuck under the financial pressure and has less resources to enrich their living on wider scale. For financial support one can call Phone:
DHS Oregon is particularly commencing operations with the portfolio of rendering financial assistance to not only families but also Disabled and Children to boost their living towards the right track.
DHS Oregon imperative and boundless in terms of rendering assistance's that are meant to redirect wellness and health of customers. The association is predominant in maintaining a soundproof and satisfactory relationship with members and is specifically enriching customers Safety, and Health.
International Contacts of DHS Oregon
DHS Oregon Main OfficeLocation: Department of Human Services 500 Summer St. NE Salem 97301
Telephone Number:
503-945-5944 Fax Number:
503-581-6198 Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.mDHS Oregon AstoriaLocation: 450 Marine Dr, Ste. 200 Astoria, OR 97103 Branch #: 0401
Telephone Number:
503-325-2021Fax Number:
503-325-6506DHS Oregon St. HelensLocation:500 N. Highway 30, Ste. 210 St Helens, OR 97051 Branch #: 0501
Telephone Number:
503-397-1784Fax Number:
503-397-0942DHS Oregon TillamookLocatio: Wilson River Building 4670 3rd Street Tillamook, OR 97141 Branch #: 2901
Telephone Number:
503-842-4453Fax Number: